Toyota Premio Vehicles have had a price that has remained pretty much the same during the last months. The prices for this particular model have remained constant recently.
The selling prices for Toyota Premio cars have remained constant in the last 6 months. In July the price for a car is Rs. 54.58 lakhs increasing till Rs. 59.81 lakhs in August. The following two months (September, October) the selling price went through a devaluation of -7 percent in the average selling price compared to the previous two months analyzed. In the last two, the price has gone through a -15 % devaluation compared to the previous average values going down from Rs. 55.18 lakhs to Rs. 46.97 lakhs during November and December.
The average price for Toyota Premio has had a strong rise in recent years. Between "before 2000" and 2011, the average price is Rs. 34.26 lakhs. There was a significant inflation of the average price in "before 2000" (Rs. 18.13 lakhs) moving up till (Rs. 38.83 lakhs)in 2011. During the next two years (2012, 2014) the price for the aforementioned model has gone up strongly a 92 %. During the last two years, prices in the car industry have gone up 8 % compared to the average values for the previous 4 years. This conclusion was reached from studying the prices for the the preceding four years in previous sample (Rs. 71.28 lakhs) and the the last two years that were studied (2016, 2017) with a price of Rs. 76.88 lakhs.
The graph that displays the price for Toyota Premio cars according to their mileage shows that those cars within a mileage range of "more than 200,000" are the ones with the lowest price. They are 29 % more affordable than the average price (Rs. 47.37 lakhs). Next with a price of Rs. 36.7 lakhs and a mileage range of "100,000 - 200,000" we would see the following vehicles. The mileage range for the most expensive cars is "25,000 - 50,000". It is 16% more costly than the average market value followed by those vehicles with a mileage of "10,000 - 25,000" and a price of Rs. 48.75 lakhs.