Price for BMW 6 Series

BMW 6 Series Vehicles have experienced a considerable decrease in their selling price recently. This model has gone through a strong reduction in its selling price.

Rs. 56.83 lakhs
Average price Last 6 months
Price for BMW 6 Series

The selling price for BMW 6 Series cars has had a strong depreciation during the last 6 months we have studied. During the first month analyzed in July the average price was Rs. 45.82 lakhs. August went through a strong inflation with a rise in the price till Rs. 60.5 lakhs. During the following two months (September, October) the average selling price rose somewhat going from Rs. 53.16 lakhs to Rs. 60.5 lakhs. In the last two months, the price has gone through a strong devaluation of -100 % compared to the 4 previous average values going down from Rs. 56.83 lakhs to .

Charts data
Average price December
Number of BMW 6 Series ads used
No data
** Graph's data with null or zero value are due to there isn't enough data available to get a reliable value