Price for Audi Q2

Audi Q2 Vehicles have gone through a strong increase in their selling price recently. There has been a considerable inflation in the selling prices for this model.

Rs. 73.38 lakhs
Average price Last 6 months
Price for Audi Q2

The retail prices for Audi Q2 cars have gone through a strong rise during the last 6 months. During the first month analyzed in April the average price was . May went through a strong inflation with a rise in the price till Rs. 70.12 lakhs. During the following two months (June, July) the average selling price experienced a noticeable rise, going up 113 % from Rs. 35.06 lakhs to Rs. 74.79 lakhs. The average price has had spectacular rise of 34 % with an average price of Rs. 54.93 lakhs during the previous 4 months and Rs. 73.6 lakhs during the most recent months in August and September.

Price per registration year

Charts data
Average price September
Number of Audi Q2 ads used
Num. of cars with registration year mentioned
Rs. 70.12 lakhs
** Graph's data with null or zero value are due to there isn't enough data available to get a reliable value
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